I biskup Tokia uputio svoje pismo

Neokatekumenski put u Japanu

nadbiskup Peter Takeo Okada iz Tokia

Preko gotovo 20 godina, Japanska biskupska konferencija (CBCJ) potrošila je puno vremena i energije na probleme s Neokatekumenskim putom. Na naše veliko razočaranje, ti napori nisu poboljšali situaciju.

Nemam nikakvih sumnji u dobre namjere i požrtvovnost Puta. Usprkos tome, djelovanje Puta preko 30 godina ne može se u nikakvom smislu nazvati uspjehom. Činjenica je da se narav i ponašanje Puta nije dobro prilagodilo Crkvi i društvu Japana.

Možda je potrebno Putu u Japanu da suspendira svoje aktivnosti za određeno razdoblje razmatranja i razmišljanja koje bi moglo utrti put za dijalog s Crkvom u Japanu.

Moje je shvaćanje da CBCJ nije kolektivno došla da neke obvezujuće odluke u tom smislu. Točnije, na molbu Biskupije Takamatsu, šesnaest dijecezanskih biskupa trebaju pojedinačno odlučiti i primijeniti prikladne mjere za svoje biskupije na temelju svojih vlastitih prosudbi kao lokalnih ordinarija.

Katolička Crkva u Japanu je malena manjina koja čini samo 0,3 posto opće populacije i ja sam jako žalostan kad vidim podjele, sukobe i kaos koji prati Put tamo gdje su prisutni među nama.

Sada je već 13 godina da svake godine više od 30 000 ljudi u Japanu počini samoubojstvo. Želio bih da ljudi Puta razumiju tu stvarnost. Želim da se oni uhvate u koštac prvo i prije svega s pitanjem što oni mogu učiniti za te ljude. Ako oni djeluju na način da ih članovi japanskog društva mogu razumjeti i simpatizirati, sigurno će steći povjerenje društva. Molim i nadam se da će nam se pridružiti u poduhvatu evangelizacije prilagođene potrebama japanskog naroda.

Direktivama koje dolaze iz središnjice Puta u Rimu  daje se prvenstvo nad vodstvom biskupa i tako smo stalno suočeni s dilemama i na žalost ulažemo velike napore u traženju rješenja.

Poslanje Crkve u Japanu povjereno je njezinim biskupima ovdje. Nosimo taj izvanredni jaram na svojim leđima i posvećujemo svoje najveće napore tom poslanju i pastoralnoj brizi.  

Govoreći samo o Nadbiskupiji Tokio, ne mislim da je Put do sada prouzročio osobito velike probleme, mada je prikupljanje novca vođeno bez biskupove suglasnosti na primjer, te je u nekim župama doista bilo neke pomutnje.

Međutim, situacija je drukčija u crkvenoj provinciji u Osaki, a u Takamatsu biskupiji problemi su osobito teški.

Crkva u Japanu je počela 1549. misijskim djelovanje sv. Fanje Ksaverskog. To je Crkva koju je gradilo mnoštvo svetih i izvrsnih misionara i postala je Majka mnogih mučenika. Preživjela je i vjerske zabrane i od obnavljanja otvorenog promicanja vjere prošlo je 140 godina. Među uglednim misionarima koji su radili u Japanu su i sadašnji general Družbe Isusove, otac Adolfo Nicolas i otac Josep M. Abella, general klarentinskih misionara.

Usprkos svega toga, preostaje dugi put u evangelizaciji Japan. Molim Kika Arguella i sve članove Puta da tu činjenicu uzmu k srcu.

Razumijem razlog ustanovljenja Puta. Vjerujem da imaju velikog uspjeha u vjerskoj formaciji ljudi koji su bili kršteni, ali su napustili svoju vjeru. Međutim, moram istaknuti da je situacija u misijskim područjima drukčija.

Čujem da su ljudi Puta uspješni u brizi za bolesne i invalidne osobe. Želim da tu ulogu vrše i u Japanu. Očekujem također dobre stvari u njihovom pastoralnom radu sa strancima koji stalno borave u Japanu. Ali tražim da razmišljaju i mole s nama da prepoznamo što je potrebno za evangelizaciju Japana kakav je stvarno danas.



Svaki čovjek ima pravo na svoje mišljenje usmjereno prema istini, a kad spozna Istinu dužan je promijeniti svoje mišljenje ukoliko nije u skladu s Istinom. To je prava demokracija.

7 thoughts on “I biskup Tokia uputio svoje pismo

  • February 4, 2011 at 8:15 am

    Prenosim odavde
    mislim da moze biti korisno citateljima da shvate pozadinu problema.


    I live in Japan, and am a member of a Japanese parish, and feel somewhat qualified to comment on this story.. I don’t quite know what the posters commenting about how bad the Japanese Church is are basing that statement on. True it is post VatII and the Mass is NO, but “conservative” when compared to the abominations in the US.

    The problem with the “way” here is that they are not Japanese, they have no understanding of the culture, they show up with their guitars and bongo drums singing songs in a foreign language, take up separate collections and don’t contribute to the maintenance of the churches, and just scare the parishioners away. That’s it in a nutshell.

    The Japanese are irreligious. The culture does not endorse religion. Consequently the Church is very tiny, less than 1% of the pop. and most Japanese Catholics date their association with the Church back to their family conversion by the Franciscans 500 years ago. There are VERY few “conversons”, usually for marriage. I would say less than 10/year in my town of 200,000. This is a mission territory, not an “established” Church.

    The Japanes Catholics don’t like “different” things. They like solidarity. They demand that everyone do their share. The Neocats are mostly charismatic Filipinos. They come here to work menial jobs or in bars. Many are “undocumented”. They start the “way’ and basically take over a parish. Some priests try to accommodate the “way” but they really don’t have a clue what is going on. How can they when Tagolog and English are the languages used.

    Land and utilities are expensive here. A 20foot square plot can cost $2mil. Running a church, with a small number of parishioners is EXPENSIVE. I know because I get a white envelope every month asking for my part. The “way” takes up collections but nobody knows where the money goes, it certainly doesn’t go to the parish.

    Anyway, when the Bishops complain that the “way” is disruptive here….IT IS. It drives away the core members of the parish, who can not “fight” with the “way” as Japanese culture demands peace within a group. There can be no conflict. Consequently the only way to escape is to quit the parish and never come back. This is not an argument about what you think of the Japanese translation of the liturgy. The “way” is NOT bringing in converts, nor adding to the Church. Just the opposite, they are driving members away, and THAT is why the Bishops want them to stop. They do NOT join in parish life. They segregate themselves and create an US vs THEM environment.

    You can debate the SSPX or the Papal support for the “way” all you want, but it doesn’t have anything to do with reality here. The problems are simple, and NOT theological. This isn’t Spain or America. The whole guitars, dancing, clapping, sit down to dinner Mass is not going to work here, and the Bishops know it.

  • February 6, 2011 at 11:05 am

    Mogli ste staviti još neke komentare s tog posta na rorate-caeli,
    kao npr. one koji predstavljaju situaciju u Crkvi u Japanu:

    “I find it interesting that all the comment makers have not made any references to the uber-un-orthodox nature of the Japanese Bishops Conference. The Japanese Bishops are basically an oriental version of the “Magic Circle.” Did you know that at the most recent synod meetings it was proposed by the bishops that speaking of the Resurrection of Christ seemed to be incorrect or not culturally sensitive enough? What hogwash. Every group in the Church ought to conform to the leadership of the local ordinaries, but when the local ordinaries are not very ‘ordinary,’ then you appeal to Peter, which is what the Neocatechumenal Way did; and if you read the article it shows that the Pope wasn’t pleased with the bishops’ proposal. The issue here is control; complete Japanese Honda-Mitsubishi, assembly line, chop stick precision control. Yes, it is a culture thing. Yes, it is about money. Yes, it is about the heterodox Japanese-style catholicism. But the one thing it is not is an issue about obedience. ”

    ili ovo:

    To Mr Unland

    “They do NOT join in parish life. They segregate themselves and create an US vs THEM environment.

    You can debate the SSPX or the Papal support for the “way” all you want, but it doesn’t have anything to do with reality here. The problems are simple, and NOT theological. This isn’t Spain or America. The whole guitars, dancing, clapping, sit down to dinner Mass is not going to work here, and the Bishops know it.


    1. The Way is not specific to Spain and Latin America. They are in Rome and France for example since Paul VI.

    2. You say they attract Filippinos ok : so where is the problem ? Apart from the rabid xenophobia that is devouring Japanese society ? Do the bishops condone this xenophobia ?

    3. “they do not join in parish life” : so WHAT ? This idea of a totalitarian parish is entirely “medieval”. We’re in the XXIst even in Japan you know.

    Since when the Church is requiring one parish, one devotion, one rite, one religious order ? It’s against the whole Church history and against the Canon Law.

    I notice the Way has 2 entranched ennemies : the trads who have limited infos on it (or biased reports curiously not backed by the hierarchy, the Curia and 3 popes) – yes they are different, yes they can be seen a little childish, yes there is an excessive authority of the founders on the movement (and to me it’s problem n°1) – and … the liberals and neo-mods, the anti-Roman party within the Church. Wherever they are, the neo-mods are always fighting them, isn’t it ringing some bell ?

    I’ve been in contact myself with a good deal of seminarists from the Way and I have always been touched by their Roman orthodoxy certainly more than the weird Episcopalians that have posted big heresies on Church ecclesiology within this thread.
    Reminder : the episcopal authority is not absolute, it is limited by the deposit of the faith and the general rules of the Church, plus one requirement, to be in communion with the Holy Father.

    For the trads and P.K.T.P. please get some informations before supporting JapChurch with your donations. Would you donate to support the Nicolà neo-Jesuits or the Indian “theology” ?
    For ex. ask yourself about TLM in Japan and the Japanese bishops ?
    Check out late cardinal Fumio Hamao’s “teachings” and see who is orthodox ?

    “Catholic World News reports that Japanese Cardinal Hamao said in an interview with UCAN that Roman Curia officials look upon the Catholic communities of Asia and Africa as “immature in terms of Christianity.”

    He said that the Vatican has “great difficulties understanding” the Church in Asia, and particularly the ways in which Asian bishops conduct inter-religious dialogue.

    Asian people, the cardinal said, are more ready to accept pastoral teachings of Jesus Christ than to learn the Catechism, “because the Catechism is a theology – a theology that is European, not Oriental.”
    For that reason, he argued, the Gospel message must be introduced gradually to Asian audiences. “If we declare at the beginning that Christ is our Saviour, we cannot enter into dialogue” with Buddhist and Shinto believers, he said.”

    Do you really think this interfaith shy on Christian faith, no catechism JapChurch is “trad” ??? Coming from a cardinal !
    Everything coming from them should be looked at first with great suspicion.
    I have some reservations on the Way alright but they are certainly better than the Hamao “dialogue with Buddhist and Shinto” first Church.
    JapChurch is not Sri Lanka and the disciples of cardinal Hamao have nothing to do with good cardinal Ranjith.


    nb. I haven’t seen any TLM in Japan except under the SSPX. If the Motu proprio has been implemented I’d like to know more from Mr. Unland for example. If he is not saying that TLM is “divisive”…

    05 February, 2011 23:02

  • February 6, 2011 at 10:56 pm

    Završetak biskupovog pisma je toliko razumski zasljepljeno i ljudski,
    da je za plakat, jer je to ipak napisao – biskup.
    Kad bi “vuk u ovčjem odijelu” došao pred neke svećenike i biskupe,
    te im u lice rekao, tko je on,
    oni bi mu rekli,
    da je ipak mnogo toga i dobrog napravio,
    te da nije sve baš tako loše.

    Drugo je, ako bi sv. Ivan tješio sv. Petra zbog činjenica,
    što je ovaj odvraćao Isusa od muke i smrti,
    pa je vitlao mačem u Getsemaniju i potom zatajio Učitelja
    ili što je bio prijetvoran zbog obrezanih.
    Bitno je, da je iskren i da ljubi Učitelja.

    – Postoji li uopće danas “vuk u ovčjem odijelu”?

  • February 16, 2011 at 10:57 am

    Jeste dosadni s tim Japanom.

  • February 22, 2011 at 3:20 pm

    “I biskup Toki(j)a uputio svoje pismo”

    da, vidi se da je potpuno odlučan da iskorjeni to zlo iz svoje zemlje.
    sam kaže da se kršćanstvo Japanom ionako širi nesmiljenom brzinom.
    a kako i ne bi ako su svih 0,3% katolika tamo tako žarki u svojoj vjeri kao ovaj biskup…

    ma da mi je znat tko je taj “admin” koji uređuje ovu stranicu i koja je njena svrha…. – rušiti RKC i njene temeljne sastavnice???

  • February 24, 2011 at 10:01 pm

    Propovijedajući Evanđelje ne znači, da će netko odmah to i prihvatiti.
    Sv. Vjera je Dar.
    Na majčinu ljubav ne mora dijete biti zahvalno,
    ali poslije možda shvati, da je moglo više pokazati zahvalnost.
    Svojim ponašanjem najviše propovijedamo.

    Briga za bolesne i invalidne osobe bi bilo sasvim normalno za katolike.

  • June 26, 2011 at 5:01 pm

    Japanska buba. Acaaa!

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